I found two unfinished journals in my suitcase today. They're dated last year, so they are the most recent. They look so unfinished... I read a few entrees. I still surprise myself sometimes about what I write about. Sometimes I remember, sometimes I have no clue what I'm referring to... It's just pure unfiltered thoughts I have.
Charlie wanted to read the one he gave me a few months back. I, of course said no. It's hard for me to let him read what Ive written about him. He doesn't even know I have this online journal... I told him I don't have that much time to write, which is true. I have school, work and him to keep me busy... maybe that's why I find myself writing after Midnight... under the moonlight. -Patsy Cline reference there, I love her voice. I enjoy writing. I enjoy putting words on paper or in this case on the wonderful world wide web.
These look like the one he gave me, he bought it at the Ren Fair.
Charlie asked me to write him a letter today. He recently found an old letter I wrote him, describing how I felt about him. I, too have love letters from him. Virtual love letters. He said he would write one too. He said I should write what ever I want but he did throw in a few questions, lol, : Am I happy? How does he make me feel? ... Two very simple yet complex questions...
...Early day tomorrow...

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