Sunday, October 9, 2011

My Marley

My baby Marley sunbathing herself. Marley has always been my little ray of sunshine. I smother her with love and she returns it two fold. I got her about four years ago from an old co worker of mine. Unfortunately he couldn't keep her so one day when I dragged my butt to work at 2 am (I worked as a newspaper delivery girl -lol) I saw the shyest, cutest puppy I've ever seen and fell in Love, <3 and he asked me if I wanted to keep her. He lived in a trailer park and didn't have enough time or room for her. At the time we lived in our newly mortgaged home and had plenty of room :) so we kept her. We all ready had a dog house there from the previous owners, needless to say she did not sleep in it. She would scratch at the door and cry until I let her in. I guess I shouldn't have let her sleep with me the first few days. lol.
Her first 80 dollar haircut! She was free but not. It cost a butt-load of money to have a pet... just like children, lol.
...but look how cuute she looks! Awwwe! lol
I remember thinking she's mine. Mine. I gave her all the pent up love I had inside me and she loved me back, no questions asked. She looks at me and see's the most fascinating person in the world. She greets me, like I'm the one person she's been waiting for all her life, to see. She is content just to lay next to me and keep me company. She kisses me and hugs me just because. She's always there when I need a furry shoulder to cry on. She makes me laugh. She is my best four legged friend. I absolutely LOVE my dog...
I just wish I could offer her better. We live in a crowded apartment building now. There's never enough money, so forget the 80 dollar haircuts. I think she's happy, but I think she could be happier... I think we both can be. Sigh* I'm working on it baby... I just need to finish school. It's been kicking my butt this last week. Mostly because of my schedule change. I've worked a few 8 hour shifts along with my school days. I haven't had 8 hour days since I got hired. I usually work 4 hour days, no longer then 6. My body is pretty tired, I think I definitely don't make enough to be beating up my body at work. Lifting, pulling, pushing... most of the times I work alone and am expected to finish the work of three! I hate when companies expect miracles from a worker just because they don't wanna give more hours to their employees. Hellooo! you're not the only ones cutting corners, we gotta eat and live too! I think you're big wig owners can do without their Hampton home and five other cars, so we can survive and buy our bare necessities, don't you think??

Isn't she adorable??? Yeees, I can brag and show off pictures... she's my child remember? :P
:( I cant even afford to take her to the vet. I don't know how I'm gonna do it but I hope I can figure something out. I found a lump on her butt, I hope it's nothing serious and I hope I can negotiate a payment plan with the vet. They helped me out last time. I hate thinking about the last time she was at the vet. . . She was in bad shape, after some inconsiderate bastard ran her over and left her to die. Luckily for her and me, a nice family found her and called me.
Marley a few days before her accident:

Marley after her accident :
Four staples, three broken ribs and her organs were literally shifted from the impact of the car. I had left her with my family that weekend, I went to Vegas. I came back and to my dismay I did not have my Marley greet me as she always does. I was only a little worried... then I called mu mom and brothers (no one was home) to ask if she was with them. No one answered... I got a little more worried. I called again until I finally reached someone... they didn't know where she was. I remember the door to the patio was left open and that's when I started to REALLY worry. I went around the complex calling her name. I was hoping she would hear me and bark. The worst thing going through my mind was perhaps a neighbor found her and decided to keep her instead of calling me. It's happened two times before, She's awful pretty, I'd want her too if I found her. Nothing. I was near tears. Then the call came...
The family found her between two lanes still on the street. If it wasn't for her long wavy hair they wouldn't have seen her, she's that small. They told us at first they thought she was a trash bag. I don't doubt she could barely walk so I guess the middle lane was the safest place she could go to. I remember they said they called the cops for help (they wont do anything-she's just a dog- property- they told them to call me) we met them at a nearby park, apparently she got hit not too far from where we lived. By this time I was in tears. My poor baby. They said she was pretty bad, they tried to get her to drink some water, she just lay there. When I finally saw her, I cried harder. She could barley lift her head up... my sunshine was dying. Yan rushed us to the nearest 24 hour vet hospital from there. I wish I still had the number of the family that found her, my dumb phone erased all my numbers. I would thank them properly not between hacking sobs. lol.
Marley today:
I remember handing her over and filling out a bunch of papers. They wanted to make sure I had monies, of course. It was late and the doctor said things didn't look good.. but he would do his best. He brought me and Yan in to say goodbye and give her our reassurances. I'm sure my bawling, wet kisses did not reassure I guess she figured she should fight to stay with me... I was falling apart. My little miracle. She's a tough little gal. She survived the night but needed around the clock care for the next few days at a regular vet's office. I remember I posted on FB if anyone knew of a good vet. Stacey came to my rescue. I absolutely adore this woman. I have never met anyone like her. Goes to show me that there's still people in this world who are willing to lend a hand, not expecting anything in return.
I took this pic of her. I was one of her regulars at the 35er. Yup, she was my bartender. Me and my friends would go drink and dance at her bar. I was surprised how concerned she was. I remember her sending me her number right away so I could talk to her. Out of everyone I expected to hear from and show concern , she was definitely not on the list. She even offered to come with me to the vet as soon as I picked Marley up from the emergency vet. So we went to the vets and they took her in. The nurse at the 24 hour place was so nice, she gave me liquids for an IV to give to the new Doc, she said it would save me some money. I almost forgot about that. I'm glad I got paid that Friday... and I had spent my entire check and then some on Marley's urgent care. I was flat broke when I entered the new vets office, but luckily for me, they set up a care credit for me... all I had to do was put down at least 20 bucks...unfortunately, I didn't even have that. . . Stacey handed over her credit card. My face was all ready swollen from crying most of the night and I'm certain- despite using up what I thought was a years supply of tears- I cried again from the gesture. I wish I knew more people like her. <3
Marley stayed in there care for an additional 3 days. I came to visit her. My mom, Yan and Stephens came during those three days too. Sigh*

I gotta go... I've opened up a can of worms and I should get SOME sleep too...
Remind me to tell you the rest of this story later... Sweet Dreams

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